7 tips for parenting as a new dad

Becoming a dad for the first time can be a little terrifying - there’s no escaping that fact. You’ll have to face the nappy changes, midnight wake-up calls and lack of sleep, but it’s all worth it. We spoke to journalist Tiffany Wright, who let us know her top 7 tips that helped her partner through those first few weeks of being a new dad.

1. carve out some dad and baby time

It's hard when you have to go back to work after your paternity leave ends, so make sure you schedule in some daddy/baby time. Bath-time is the perfect time to do this.

2. be aware of the poonado

The explosive poo (or poonado as it has been termed) really is an actual thing. If you are on nappy changing duty make sure you come armed with wet wipes and cotton wool. Going in unprepared could be disastrous.

3. travelling somewhere with a baby

Allow an extra hour to pack up the car. You will be amazed by how much a baby actually needs, and no matter how organised you think you may be, I can guarantee that it will take LOT longer than you envisaged to get all the equipment into the car.

4. don’t expect 

Just because your partner is a mummy, you can't expect that she knows everything. She doesn’t. Being a parent is a new job for her too. Help her out by reading up on baby books.

5. be the visitor enforcer

In the first couple of weeks/days after your baby is born EVERYONE will want to come and visit. Your partner will have just pushed a small human out of her body and is likely to be exhausted overwhelmed and tearful. This is where it’s your job to limit visitors to the house. Having time just the three of you is what’s important in the first couple of weeks

6. tell her she is beautiful

Sure she might have cabbages sticking out of her bra (thanks mastitis), be wearing huge granny pants and not have washed her hair in a week, but you need to still make her feel like the most beautiful person alive.

7. get her a memento

A little gift after the birth of your baby will do wonders for your partner’s mood. Some dads go all out on the push presents by buying diamonds but if that’s not your style, how about getting one of those little kits where you can take your babies footprint and frame it.

For more advice on parenting, maternity taboos, breastfeeding and pregnancy from a like-minded mum, head over to Tiffany's blog or you can follow her on Instagram.

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