Top tips for setting your baby up for a good night's sleep

Getting your baby to sleep soundly through the night is a common problem for all parents. Although good sleep comes down to many different factors, there are a few things you can do to help create the best environment for them to snooze in. Cecilia from Nurture With Nature details her top tips on how to set up your little one for a better sleep.
keep the light out
Whether your baby is sleeping in the pram or in a room, use darker curtains or a breathable blanket over the pram to block out the light.
ensure the temperature is right
Your baby will sleep best in a room or space that’s between 16 and 20°C. Use breathable blankets or a sleeping bag to cover them in winter and lighter cotton clothes in summer.
use white noise
Studies have shown that a constant sound such as a fan or sound of the ocean or water (from your phone or ipad) helps babies to sleep deeper for longer. You can also use this noise to re-settle your baby if they wake up.
avoid talking or eye contact
If your child happens to wake up while you’re moving her, simply pat and shush her back to sleep without talking or looking at her.
use bedding that your baby won’t be able to kick off
By using a sleeping bag your baby won’t wake up cold when they’ve kicked off the blankets and they’re a very safe option, reducing the risk of suffocation and can provide an extra cosy sleeping environment which you can replicate even when you’re away from home.
have a comfort blankie
By having a comfort blankie your baby can rest their head on it on your shoulder and then when they’re transferred to their cot you can put the blanket down too which will help with them not noticing that you’re not holding them anymore… or so the theory goes!
use a zip up sleep suit
By dressing your baby in a zip up sleep suit at night it’s going to make changing them so much easier, minimizing any disruption to their sleep.
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