How to keep your baby sleeping through the clocks going back

This Sunday the clocks will be going back, which means we gain an extra hour in bed - but is that really the truth as a parent? It seems that just a one hour change can dramatically affect sleeping habits in babies, which is not what parents what to hear at all. The daylight saving doesn’t have to mean sleepless nights and endless cups of caffeine, as you can take a few steps to keep your little one snoozing through the winter.
1. start making changes as soon as possible
Move your baby’s bedtime and napping times forward by 15 minutes. By doing this you are starting to prepare their body clock for the change that is to come. You can also adjust their feeding times in conjunction with this so that their whole schedule is consistent.
2. regulate the light
Establishing day and night for your little one helps them to understand when it’s time to start feeling sleepy. Due to the light changing, you can use blackout blinds to make it dark at the right time, and light to allow their brain to understand it’s daytime.
3. build the right environment
An overstimulating environment can lead to baby feeling awake, and not wanting to sleep at all. Before bedtime make sure everything you do is very calming - from the rooms you are in, to the tone of voice you use. Create a soothing time just before bed to help them relax.
4. dress baby softly to sleep
Really soft bedding and clothing makes a difference to how well your baby will sleep. They love very soft and gentle bedding, which you can also ensure smells of you to keep them content. Dress baby in gentle and breathable clothing to ensure that they feel comfortable and ready to sleep.
5. remember, you’re doing great!
When your little one isn’t sleeping, sometimes you end up feeling frustrated and disappointed. No matter whether they are sleeping or not, everything will fall into place with time. You are doing an amazing job and eventually, your whole family will be sleeping well.
We've curated the softest nursery essentials to help calm your baby & keep the whole family sleeping peacefully.