Healthy bedtime rituals

We’ve partnered with our friends at The Caperberry Collective. Olivia Sewell walks us through her dreamy bedtime routine with baby Max, and exactly how they prepare for a good night’s sleep.
Bedtimes (like everything with small children) vary hugely from family to family, but there seems to be a common thread and that, my friend, is ritual.
From six o’clock bath times to bedtime stories, lullabies to baby massages, snuggles on the sofa to chatting about all the good things that happened that day. A bedtime ritual is a helpful (and sometimes total god-send of a) signal that it’s the end of the day and we’re all winding down (and in about 10 minutes time, Mama wants to be sitting on the sofa with a glass of wine/cup of tea/box of choccies/all of the above in her hand).
Growing up in my family home, our ritual was to shout from our beds, telling each other we loved them, wishing them goodnight and sweet dreams. Now, with my own 9 month old baby boy, our own little ritual is starting to develop – we have bath time, then we play a quiet game of peek-a-boo ‘cot-side’ and then it’s copious amounts of milk and he’s nodded off (I promise you it’s not always as simple as it sounds, but we’re getting there!)
Whatever your ritual may be, keep it up, let it change with your children and treasure it. After all, by morning-time, they’re a little bit bigger and a little bit older than they were yesterday.
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