The first signs of pregnancy
It is true that the only certain way to confirm pregnancy is with tests or ultrasounds, nonetheless, if you are suspicious that you are pregnant, it is important to know what your body is telling you through symptoms. Pregnancy symptoms often share similarities with PMS and just like with menstruation there can be variations according to each woman's body. Here are the most common pregnancy signs that you should look for:
missed period.
The most commonly known and obvious of the signs is missing a period. Depending on the regularity of the cycles each woman's body if conception does happen women should not expect their period after the next four following weeks.
cramping and spotting.
During the implantation phase women might experience cramps and - what is known as - implantation bleeding which causes light bleeding spots, some women tend to confuse them as a very light menstruation.
Due to hormonal changes your breasts might experience tenderness, tingling, swollen sensation or even feel and appear fuller.
According to the University of Rochester Medical Center Rochester, NY, fatigue is presented during pregnancy due to the progesterone hormone, which commonly "Rises sharply in the first trimester. In addition, as blood volume increases to supply the developing placenta and fetal circulation, your heart pumps faster and stronger. This results in faster pulse and breathing rates. Low iron levels can sometimes make you tired".
Pregnant women have a better developed sense of smell, pregnancy gives them an improved ability to determinate odours, this is why nausea and vomiting are such a common sign in most women in the first months of pregnancy.
frequent urination.
It occurs in the early pregnancy and the frequency elevates in the late phase when the little one puts pressure on the mums bladder. The hormonal changes make your blood flow increase through all of your body, therefore the kidneys have to filter more blood and in result this produces more urine.
heart rate.
Just like with your kidneys the increased production of blood also affects your heart rate, and the circulation will give you an increase in your heart rate during the first trimester of your pregnancy term. Again, this is due to the hormonal changes that your body is currently adapting to.
Another similar sign that early pregnancy shares with PMS is bloating as the bowels absorb more water making it harder for the residues to pass through and in consequence we get constipation. The hormonal levels of progesterone increasing is the main cause of constipation and it provokes the digestive system to slow down.
mood swings.
The first trimester of pregnancy is a roller-coaster of emotions, and it is completely normal to experience mood changes because the hormones levels are changing inside your metabolism.
At MORI we recommend to always pursue medical attention if needed. We also believe that it is very important to understand our bodies and to try to read the signs of nature, as each one of us is an individual cosmos and no one will understand our own bodies than ourselves.
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