how real mums cope with morning sickness

Commonly referred to as “morning sickness”, many women feel nausea and experience vomiting during their pregnancy. It happens mainly during the early stages of their first trimester and is a completely natural and normal part of the pregnancy process.

Morning sickness does not put your baby or body at any increased risk, and it usually clears up by weeks 16 to 20 of your pregnancy. The sickness can be a very uncomfortable and unpleasant feeling for expectant mothers, but don’t worry - you’re not on your own with how you’re feeling.

We’ve asked the mothers of Instagram to tell us some of their top tips on how they’ve coped with their morning sickness and symptoms.

Check out some of these super easy tips and recommendations to help combat, minimise and manage your symptoms.


Research has shown that Ginger has been scientifically proven to help relieve and combat nausea and morning sickness during your pregnancy.

One of its active compounds, 6-gingerol, is said to help relax gastrointestinal muscles, and research has shown that ginger pills or fresh ginger root can ease sickness dramatically and other forms of queasiness. There are many easy ways you can have ginger to relieve your symptoms:

  • Grating or slicing a chunk of ginger in your tea or warm water.

  • Drinking Ginger tea.

  • Eating crystalized ginger which reportedly works for some women.

  • Sucking on a small piece of fresh ginger root.

  • Having a Ginger pill


Rich in Vitamin C and full of flavour, we can see why Clementines help some expectant mothers with their morning nausea and sickness.

Packed with healthy goodies for you and your little one, they are an essential fiber and nutrient that your body needs, and craves to help grow and develop effectively.

The light taste will help settle your stomach, without stirring up any stomach acids. This will quickly make you feel better and more comfortable.

Other benefits to eating Clementines are they help strengthen your immune system, encourage healthy brain development of your baby, prevents constipation, maintains hydration levels and keeps skin looking healthy and well.


    Dry foods such as crackers are often recommended to expectant mothers who are experiencing nausea.

    It is not clear why such foods help with morning sickness, however it’s known that people with morning sickness on an empty stomach react badly to strong-smelling foods, hence a dry food like a cracker would work effectively and quickly.

    potato crisps

    Similar to crackers, potato crisps are a highly recommended food for mothers to-be who are experiencing feelings of nausea or actual vomiting. They are plain in flavour, easy to digest plus they’re easy to chew.

    Some responses we got from Mothers on Instagram about how they cope and manage their morning sickness are very amusing and interesting!

    Check out some of their responses below:


    What are some of your pregnancy morning sickness must-have remedies that you can share with following expectant mothers?

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